Your stores open 24 hours in Madrid

Closeness, quality, and warmth when and where you need us

Open25, Your stores open 24 hours a day in Madrid.

Closeness, quality, and warmth when and where you need us.

Open 25 Coffee Market does not close for you. Our stores and coffee shops are open right now.

At Open 25, we take special care of the quality of the products you are looking for. Only first brands, specially selected for you.

Our goal, your smile. At Open 25, we want to help you with your needs; that’s why our warm service is part of our culture. We are happy to assist you and help you with your purchase or your visit.

365 days a year. 24 hours a day. Very close to you.

Our History

Since the first store opened in the 90s, Open25 has been Madrid’s leader in the 24-hour business sector. Open25 stores are focused on providing high quality and essential products and attentive customer service to ensure that their shopping or dining experience is fully rewarding and serve as a customer loyalty element.

Our goal

To ensure that every customer who visits us choose us again

Our values



Careful attention

Open25 for you

Among other products, in Open25 we have for you:
Cafeteria, hot drinks, bakery, pastries, soft drinks,
beers, wines, spirits, cocktails…

Sandwiches, pizzas, groceries, press, vices…
And a lot more!

Contact us


    Madrid. Spain.